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43 Probability of success of breeding strategies for improving pro-vitamin A content in maize

Hits:  |  Time:2013-03-26
Xuecai Zhang · Wolfgang H. PfeiVer ·Natalia Palacios-Rojas · Raman Babu ·Howarth Bouis · Jiankang Wang. 2012. Probability of success of breeding strategies for improving pro-vitamin A content in maize. Theor Appl Genet (2012) 125:235–246.
Abstract BiofortiWcation for pro-vitamin A content (pVAC) of modern maize inbreds and hybrids is a feasible way to deal with vitamin A deWciency in rural areas in developing countries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the probability of success of breeding strategies when transferring the high pVAC present in donors to elite modern-adapted lines. For this purpose, a genetic model was built based on previous genetic studies, and diVerent selection schemes including phenotypic selection (PS) and marker-assisted selection (MAS) were simulated and compared. MAS for simultaneously selecting all pVAC genes and a combined scheme for selecting two major pVAC genes by MAS followed by ultra performance liquid chromatography screening for the remaining genetic variation on pVAC were identiWed as being most eVective and costeYcient. The two schemes have 83.7 and 84.8% probabilities of achieving a predeWned breeding target on pVAC and adaptation in one breeding cycle under the current breeding scale. When the breeding scale is increased by making 50% more crosses, the probability values could reach 94.8 and 95.1% for the two schemes. Under Wxed resources, larger early generation populations with fewer crosses had similar breeding eYciency to smaller early generation populations with more crosses. Breeding on a larger scale was more eYcient both genetically and economically. The approach presented in this study could be used as a general way in quantifying probability of success and comparing diVerent breeding schemes in other breeding programs.
